105 Pablo Picasso (Zona Hotelera) Colonia Las Glorias


English – SUN 9am

Spanish – SUN 10:45AM

Bilingual – WED 6:30PM

Bible Reading

Explore The Word

In-depth verse by verse study into the Old Testament and the New Testament

Church worship

by Don McClure


Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

When the Lord created man in His image (Gen 1:26) we were created with the glorious capacity to be a reflection of the Lord Himself.  We were created to literally share His life, His nature, His character, His love and joy and peace.  Thus man at his highest identity is found as he shares his life with the Lord and the Lord shares His life with us. Thus, we were made to worship the Lord as He is so worthy to receive glory and honor and power as we have been made to bring him pleasure. And nothing brings more pleasure to man than when man is pleasing God.

In Calvary Chapel, we love offering ourselves to the Lord and worshiping and praising and rejoicing and resting in Jesus for all He has accomplished for us.  We worship Him for what He has done in taking our sin on Himself and giving His life for us. And we worship Him for ever living at the right hand of the Majesty on high making intercession for us and presenting us faultless. And we worship the Father and the Son and the Spirit for all they mean to us for the rest of eternity.  Yes, worship is the precious gift God has given us.

Calvary PV Mission School

Discipling kids through after school programs 

Calvary PV Helps Ministry

For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. – Hebrews 3:4

English Bible Study

Monday nights at 7:00 PM. Click below for map.


How beautiful on the mountaineer the feet of those who bring good news….Isaiah 52:7

How beautiful on the mountaineer the feet of those who bring good news….Isaiah 52:7

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